Lagoon Monsters Plugged by Acosta%2C Lasers%2C 2-0: Ramiro Acosta of the Monterrey Lasers humiliated the Managua Lagoon Monsters at Laser Showpark today%2C spinning a complete game shutout and holding the visitors to 3 hits.%0A%0A%22He stayed aggressive and his ball was really moving%2C%22 said Managua manager %2C after the game. %0A%0AAcosta whiffed 14 and walked 5 in the 2-0 win. %0A%0A%22If I make good pitches%2C I%27m going to get some outs%2C%22 Acosta said. %22I was making good pitches the entire game.%22%0A%0AThis year Acosta has recorded a 1-4 mark. In 6 starts he has fanned 39 batters in 41 innings with a 5.49 ERA. %0A%0AView Boxscore%0A
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