Cimo Hits for the Cycle: Matt Cimo gave all he had to help the Magic Valley Magicians today%2C but it wasn%27t enough.%0A%0ACimo hit for a rare cycle against the Caldwell Claws%2C who still managed to trump Magic Valley%2C 23-3. He ended up going 4-for-5 with 1 run batted in and 2 runs scored in the contest.%0A%0A%22Disappointing%2C%22 Cimo said later when asked to describe the experience. %22I felt like we had an opportunity%2C but we couldn%27t string it all together today.%22%0A%0AMatt Cimo grounded out in the 1st%2C doubled in the 3rd%2C hit a solo-shot off Craig Herberholz in the 5th%2C tripled in the 7th and singled in the 9th.%0A%0ACimo is hitting at a .382 mark this season. His stats show 10 home runs%2C 36 RBIs and 35 runs scored. He has played 40 games for the Magicians.%0A%0AView Boxscore%0A
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