Lovelace Silences Waynesboro%2C 8-0: In an outstanding outing%2C Blacksburg Tribe starter Vance Lovelace tamed the Waynesboro Braves with a 1-hit shutout at Tribe Yard today. The Blacksburg hurler went the distance%2C finishing with 5 strikeouts and 4 walks in the 8-0 win.%0A%0A%22He had a lot of first-pitch strikes and kept us off balance with a lot of off-speed stuff%2C%22 according to Waynesboro manager . %22We just didn%27t get too many balls squared up today.%22%0A%0AIn 9 starts this season%2C Lovelace has picked up 5 wins while suffering 1 loss. He has pitched 63.2 innings%2C allowed 51 hits%2C struck out 59 and posted a 3.25 ERA.%0A%0AView Boxscore%0A
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