Maga Plays Way to Rookie of the Year Honor: What a season it was for Daytona Beach%27s Adro Maga in this new star%27s first year in the Florida Prospect League. He put together a year that earned him the 2044 Rookie of the Year Award.%0A%0AThe 23-year-old first baseman crunched some good numbers with a .390 batting average and a .484 on-base percentage to go with his 13 home runs%2C 30 RBIs and 28 runs scored.%0A%0AHe received 26 first place votes out of a possible 32. Juan Lorenzo of the Melbourne Storm finished second in voting%2C while Tom Ramey of the Hollywood Jackrabbits finished third with 3 first place votes.%0A%0APlayer - Team - First Place - Total Points%0AAdro Maga - Daytona Beach Sluggers - 26 - 136%0AJuan Lorenzo - Melbourne Storm - 0 - 41%0ATom Ramey - Hollywood Jackrabbits - 3 - 39%0AAristo Malachias - Graceville Bluebirds - 2 - 35%0AKevin Matthews - Coral Gables Lumberjacks - 0 - 31%0AElvin Hilliard - Daytona Beach Sluggers - 1 - 6%0A
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