Green Tags 3 HR Against Raiders: At Field of the Manatees today%2C Elijah Green hit homer after homer after homer. But they didn%27t add up to enough to beat the Walton Raiders as the Naperville North Huskies went down to defeat%2C 14-13.%0A%0A%22It was a good game for me%2C not so good for our team%2C%22 the Naperville North third baseman said. %22I got lucky. I made some good swings on some pitches. We just didn%27t put up one in the win column.%22%0A%0AOn his monumental day%2C he had 3 hits in 5 at-bats%2C drove in 9 runs%2C and scored 3 times.%0A%0A%22The third one was totally unexpected%2C%22 Green told reporters after his extraordinary game. %22I just wanted to make good contact%2C never thinking I would get another home run and bang%2C I got number three.%22%0A%0AElijah Green grounded out in the 2nd%2C flied out in the 4th%2C hit a two-run home run off Pat Shannon in the 6th%2C hit a three-run home run off Art Pakal%EF%BF%BDn in the 7th and hit a GRAND SLAM off Freddie Sutton in the 9th.%0A%0AThis year Green is batting .285 with 16 home runs. He has scored 45 runs and driven in 51.%0A
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