Yucca Valley On Top of Menard%27s A: The Yucca Valley Yellows have silenced their critics%2C backed up those who believed in them and won the Menard%27s A.%0A%0A%22You always think you%27ve got a chance to win the division%2C but until you get it done you never really know how things are going to play out%2C%22 said shortstop Jochen Nelis. %22I think we%27re all grateful to get the chance to vie for the 3L A Championship.%22%0A%0AIt is the 2nd division crown for the franchise and manager Christian O%27Dell said in a sporting landscape where you are judged by what you%27ve most recently accomplished%2C %22it feels incredibly good to be at the top of the pile.%22%0A
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