Holling Gets Award for Relief Work: The Reliever of the Year Award goes to the Menard%27s Third League reliever who put forward the strongest season.%0A%0AThis season%2C that player was Corbin Holling of the Echo Park Lakers%2C who was above all his peers in 2037.%0A%0A%22I just feel like the ball was doing what I wanted it to this year and I was in command most nights out there%2C%22 he said. %22Some days you don%27t have your best stuff%2C but I didn%27t have too many of those days this year.%22%0A%0AOn the season%2C Holling pitched 48 innings%2C with 63 strikeouts and an ERA of 1.12. He also had 33 saves in 47 relief appearances.%0A%0AJoe Khokar of the Panama City Piranhas finished second in voting%2C while An Jang-Yop of the Hollywood Shredders finished third.%0A
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