Scott Dourque to Try Experimental Eye Surgery: The Northern Virginia has announced that center fielder%2C Scott Dourque%2C has elected to undergo an experimental -- and potentially dangerous -- eye surgery to correct his failing vision. The procedure%2C which will be performed by world renowned Korean ophthalmologist Seung-soo Kim%2C has yet to be performed on a human being. Dr. Kim is quoted as saying%2C %22We%27ve performed the surgery -- successfully I might add -- on rats%2C several pigs%2C and%2C most recently%2C a rhesus monkey.%22%0A%0ADue to pronounced astigmatism%2C the more common LASIK eye surgery is not possible for Dourque. %22I really feel like this is my last option. I%27ve progressed as much as I can given my current vision%2C and I really want to take my game to the next level%2C%22 said the 29 year old at yesterday%27s press conference.%0A%0ADr. Kim and the team trainers have estimated his recovery at four to six weeks. Provided the surgery goes as planned.%0A
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