Rocks Whitewash Redbirds%2C Fern%EF%BF%BDndez Winner: It was not a good day at the plate for the Memphis Redbirds. They came up empty when it mattered against Plymouth Rocks right-hander Jes%EF%BF%BDs Fern%EF%BF%BDndez%2C who scattered 2 hits across 9 innings and held the Redbirds scoreless.%0A%0A%22We had 2 hits so I know he wasn%27t completely untouchable%2C but he was close%2C%22 Memphis manager Elliott Taylor said later.%0A%0AFern%EF%BF%BDndez chalked up 11 strikeouts and 2 walks in the 9-0 Rocks win.%0A%0AOn the season Fern%EF%BF%BDndez has compiled a 8-1 mark with a 2.47 ERA in 9 starts. In pitching 62 innings he has 63 strikeouts and 23 walks while limiting the opposition to a .210 batting average.%0A%0AView Boxscore%0AView Game Log%0A
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