Players Suspended in Dodgers-Pandas Donnybrook: If there wasn%27t a history between F%EF%BF%BDlix Medina of Brooklyn and Jacob Johnston of Montana%2C then there is one now. The incident between the two sparked a bench-clearing scrum with those two being the center of attention. Now they will miss 5 and 10 games respectively as a result of their actions. The league office announced their suspensions today.%0A%0A%22We%27re both really competitive%2C%22 Medina said later%2C %22and sometimes things go a little too far because of it.%22%0A%0ASo far this year%2C Medina is batting .229 with 5 home runs and 37 RBIs.%0A%0ATo this point in the season%2C Johnston has rung up no saves in 39 relief appearances. He has also crafted a 7.71 ERA%2C 5 wins and 4 losses and 55 strikeouts in 74.2 innings.%0A
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