Clarence Miller%27s Home Robber Arrested: Clarence Miller was all smiles today as he told local reporters that the man who robbed his home recently has been arrested by local authorities.%0A%0A%22They caught him%2C%22 he said. %22I think I%27m even going to be able to get some of my stuff back.%22%0A%0AMiller said his D.C. Dividedteammates provided great support for him while he was struggling with this issue and he believes the team has come together and bonded as a result.%0A%0A%22Thankfully it%27s a happy ending and this low-life will get what he deserves%2C%22 he said.%0A%0AJ%EF%BF%BDlio Rodr%EF%BF%BDguez said many of the guys on the team gave Miller a big hug when they heard the news.%0A%0A%22We%27re happy for him%2C it%27s been stressing him out%2C so it%27s nice to see it come to a conclusion%2C%22 he said.%0A
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