Injury Sidelines C%EF%BF%BDsar Torres for Season: Biloxi reliever C%EF%BF%BDsar Torres could miss the remainder of the season because of a ruptured finger tendon. He exited yesterday%27s Irving game after injuring himself while throwing a pitch. The original diagnosis said Torres would be out 4 months. Later on his doctors said he could be out even longer. %22He%27s done%2C%22 his manager commented at the BNN press conference. %22It%27s a season-ending injury%2C but it could have been worse. It%27s not the worst-case scenario%2C so we%27re happy about that.%22%0A%0ASo far this season%2C in 10 relief appearances Torres has compiled an ERA of 2.08. He has pitched 17.1 innings%2C struck out 6%2C walked 10 and registered 1 save.%0A
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