Caterpillars Gestel and Walleye Bustamante Suspended for Fight: After an intense confrontation%2C both the Caterpillars Shalom Gestel and the Walleye Cipriano Bustamante were handed their punishments today. The league commissioner%27s office issued suspensions for an on-the-field conflict that occurred at a recent Grand Forks-Walla Walla game. Shalom Gestel will miss 4 games%2C while Cipriano Bustamante was suspended for 8 games.%0A%0A%22Sometimes we go too far and have to pay the consequences%2C%22 Shalom Gestel commented later. %22Hopefully cooler heads will prevail the next time we play.%22%0A%0AGestel is hitting .252 for the season with no home runs%2C 20 RBIs and 15 runs scored. He has 40 hits in 159 at-bats and played in 42 games.%0A%0AThis season Bustamante has a 0-5 mark in 8 starts with a 7.07 ERA. He has given up 46 hits in 35.2 innings%2C struck out 23 and issued 14 walks. Opposing clubs have compiled a .307 batting average against him. %0A
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