Best SAAA Reliever Named: 2038 was a year to remember for Tim Nesheim.%0A%0AThe Plymouth Rocks reliever was the owner of a 1.86 ERA this season over 53.1 innings of work. He made 33 relief appearances and had 4 saves%2C 48 strikeouts%2C 22 walks and a record of 5 wins and 1 loss.%0A%0AHe%27s also now got some hardware%2C as the 31-year-old has been named the USSL Triple A Reliever of the Year Award winner.%0A%0A%22It%27s something I can tell my grandchildren some day%2C pretty special%2C%22 he said. %0A%0AHe received 9 first place votes out of a possible 10. Broderick Evans of the Sacramento Redlegs finished second in voting with 1 first place vote%2C while Kong Li of the Plymouth Rocks finished third.%0A%0APlayer - Team - First Place - Total Points%0ATim Nesheim - Plymouth Rocks - 9 - 48%0ABroderick Evans - Sacramento Redlegs - 1 - 32%0AKong Li - Plymouth Rocks - 0 - 8%0AGeorge Eisenhauer - Santa Barbara Golden Cranes - 0 - 2%0A
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