Gibson Has 20-Game Hitting Streak: With 3 hits at Ballpark of Plano HS today%2C Rick Gibson added another game to his hitting streak -- the Spokane HS first baseman has now hit safely for 20 games in a row. But the hitting feat wasn%27t enough for the Jammers today%2C as they fell%2C 6-5%2C to the Santa Barbara HS Phantoms.%0A%0A%22Frankly%2C I don%27t care about hits%2C%22 Santa Barbara HS manager said later. %22I%27ll let him get 3 hits in 3 at-bats if it means we get a win.%22%0ARick Gibson singled in the 2nd%2C singled in the 4th%2C walked in the 6th and hit a two-run single in the 7th.%0A%0AIn the current season%2C Gibson has put up a .331 batting average with 50 hits%2C 3 home runs%2C 25 RBI and scored 29 runs.%0A
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