Hitting Streak Still Alive for Engel: With 1 hit at Las Vegas HS Grounds today%2C Joe Engel added another game to his hitting streak -- the Conway HS center fielder has now hit safely for 25 games in a row. But the hitting feat wasn%27t enough for the Rattlers today%2C as they fell%2C 10-5%2C to the North Miami HS Mad Ants.%0A%0A%22Frankly%2C I don%27t care about hits%2C%22 North Miami HS manager said later. %22I%27ll let him get 5 hits in 5 at-bats if it means we get a win.%22%0AJoe Engel doubled in the 1st%2C grounded out in the 3rd%2C struck out in the 6th%2C struck out in the 8th and grounded out in the 9th.%0A%0AEngel is hitting .347 for the season with 2 home runs%2C 33 RBIs and 36 runs scored. He has 58 hits in 167 at-bats and played in 38 games.%0A
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