Schullo Torches Blue Hens for 5 Hits: Troy Schullo had a huge game in a Southfield HS Visigoths win at Boston HS Grounds today. Schullo rapped 5 hits in 7 tries and helped the Visigoths overcome the Sioux City HS Blue Hens%2C 14-7.%0A%0ATroy Schullo singled in the 1st%2C flied out in the 3rd%2C flied out in the 4th%2C doubled in the 6th%2C singled in the 7th%2C singled in the 9th%2C singled in the 11th and walked in the 11th.%0A%0AThis season Schullo is hitting at a .439 pace with 3 home runs%2C 41 RBIs and has scored 34 times.%0A%0AView Boxscore%0A
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