No Hits for Scott%2C Streak Ends at 21: The streak has been snapped.%0A%0ARobert Scott failed to get a hit in today%27s game against the Memorial HS Tigers%2C bringing his 21-game hitting spree to an end. The 16-year-old Pawnee HS right fielder was 0-for-3%2C but the Indians got the win and defeated the Tigers 8-7.%0A%0A%22I%27m not disappointed at all -- I had a great run%2C%22 Scott said. %22I got to 21 games. I got my name into an elite group with a bunch of good ballplayers. What%27s there to complain about%3F%22%0A%0AScott is batting .375 this season in 23 games with 8 home runs%2C 32 RBIs and 29 runs scored. He has 36 hits in 96 at-bats.%0A
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