No-Hitter for Mallen: The no-hitter is one of baseball%27s truly egalitarian achievements. It%27s done by the great and the not-so-great alike%2C and for nearly all of them it represents the pinnacle of a career. Alabama Crimson Tide pitcher Ben Mallen had his moment today at Great American Ball Park%2C holding the Texas A%26M Aggies hitless and beating them%2C 8-0.%0A%0A%22Everything was working for him%2C%22 Aggies manager . %22He had a lot of late movement that seemed to cause the guys trouble%2C especially from the fifth inning on. He was in command.%22%0A%0AMallen rung up 4 strikeouts%2C issued 3 walks and faced only 30 hitters in his historic outing. After the game%2C he spoke to BNN reporters in the Alabama locker room.%0A%0A%22I really got nervous in the last inning%2C%22 Mallen recalled. %22I knew I had a chance at a no-hitter but it was hard to stay calm and concentrate. Thank goodness for my catcher. He told me he would do all the thinking and I could just concentrate on hitting his glove.%22%0A%0AOn the season Mallen has 5 wins and 1 loss and a 3.69 ERA.%0A%0AView Boxscore%0A
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