McClure Sizzles with 30-Game Batting Streak: The hitting streak for Clearwater HS catcher Robby McClure now stands at 30 games%2C but the Surge dropped today%27s contest 6-5 to the High Point HS Pointers. McClure went 1-for-5 in the game.%0A%0A%22Things went well for me personally today%2C%22 he said later. %22I got 1 hit and the streak keeps going. But we didn%27t win the game.%22%0ARobby McClure flied out in the 1st%2C grounded out in the 2nd%2C singled in the 4th%2C flied out in the 6th and flied out in the 8th.%0A%0ATo date this year McClure is batting .399 with 1 home run. %0A
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