League Suspends Jensen 4 Games: The agitation was hot and heavy at Mastadons Ballpark yesterday. After a called third strike Mastadons left fielder Matt Jensen protested the call in no uncertain terms. While he and the home plate umpire were jawing face-to-face%2C a few bumps took place and Jensen was ejected from the game.%0A%0A%22It was verbal%2C nothing more%2C%22 according to Jensen. However%2C the league frowned on what transpired and suspended him for 4 games.%0A%0A%22The league will never tolerate a player touching an umpire in anger%2C%22 the commissioner said in the suspension notification. %0A%0AThis year Jensen is hitting at a .388 pace with 1 home run and 16 RBIs. He has played in 27 games and scored 24 times.%0A
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