6-Hit Barrage by Hanley: Some moments become linked with a particular player%27s career forever. Greg Hanley of the Napa HS Blasters had one of those moments when he went 6-for-6 at the plate today in the 15-4 win over the Walnut Creek HS Warriors at Blasters Ballpark.%0A%0A%22I won%27t forget this anytime soon%2C and I don%27t expect it to happen too often%2C%22 the 16-year-old shortstop told reporters in the postgame interview. %22I%27ll be happy to just get a hit or two every day. Enough to hang around the league a while longer. Like 10%2C maybe 15 more years.%22%0A%0AGreg Hanley singled in the 2nd%2C hit a two-run single in the 3rd%2C singled in the 4th%2C singled in the 5th%2C hit an RBI single in the 6th and singled in the 8th.%0A%0AThis year Hanley has hit at a .340 clip with 8 RBIs%2C no home runs and 10 runs scored.%0A%0AView Boxscore%0A
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