Fickert Blisters Mountain View %28Santa Clara County%29 HS: Some days you can%27t win for losing. Just ask Greg Fickert -- he was the King of Swing against the Red Stixx%2C but his Blasters were beaten 10-7 anyway.%0A%0AThe Napa HS third baseman had 5 chances against the Mountain View %28Santa Clara County%29 HS and delivered 5 hits in a sensational game. %0A%0A%22Unbelievable feeling%2C%22 he told the press. %22It felt great to be hitting like that%2C but a downer when you look at the scoreboard. 5-for-5 does wonders for your confidence%2C but it%27s a shame we couldn%27t win%2C too.%22%0A%0AGreg Fickert singled in the 2nd%2C doubled in the 4th%2C hit a two-run single in the 5th%2C hit an RBI single in the 7th and singled in the 9th.%0A%0ADuring the current season Fickert is batting at a .377 clip with no home runs and 11 RBIs. He has played in 16 games and scored 17 times.%0A%0AView Boxscore%0A
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