Valenti 5-for-6 Against Devil Bears: San Rafael HS Sun Tropics center fielder Ken Valenti banged out 5 hits today%2C but it was not enough to keep his club from succumbing to the Alameda HS Devil Bears%2C 16-11. He went 5-for-6 and raised his batting average a few points. %0A%0A%22If the hits keep coming%2C%22 an upbeat Valenti said after the game%2C %22the runs will too. And%2C more importantly%2C so will the wins.%22 %0A%0AKen Valenti singled in the 1st%2C singled in the 3rd%2C struck out in the 3rd%2C singled in the 6th%2C doubled in the 7th and doubled in the 9th.%0A%0A%0A%0AView Boxscore%0A
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