Friess Tags Wild Riders for 5 Hits: Redding HS catcher Josh Friess had a day to remember today%2C 5-for-6 against the South Whittier HS Wild Riders at Ballpark of Brooklyn HS as the Canucks picked up a 12-5 victory.%0A%0A%22He was patient up there today%2C%22 Redding HS skipper told the press after the game. %22I like the way he waited for his pitch and wasn%27t overly aggressive. Friess has a tendency to chase bad balls sometimes.%22 %0A%0AJosh Friess singled in the 2nd%2C hit an RBI double in the 3rd%2C doubled in the 5th%2C hit a solo-shot off Andy Krogman in the 6th%2C singled in the 7th and struck out in the 9th.%0A%0AThis year Friess has 1 home run and a .419 batting average.%0A%0AView Boxscore%0A
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