Tennessee-Georgia Free-for-All Gets 2-Game Suspensions: Nobody was hurt in a confrontation yesterday between the Volunteers Gabe Hardesty and the Bulldogs John Bayard as both benches cleared during the fracas at Ballpark of St. Louis College. It appeared that there were a few punches thrown before the players could be separated.%0A%0AToday the league commissioner took action. The league decided to punish the guilty parties. Gabe Hardesty and John Bayard will each have to sit out 2-game suspensions for their roles in this fight.%0A%0AFor the year Hardesty has hit at a .308 clip with 33 RBIs%2C 5 home runs and 41 runs scored.%0A%0AThis season Bayard has compiled a 2-2 record with a 6.39 ERA.%0A
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