Harris Finally Fails%2C Streak Ends at 24: New Bedford HS right fielder Mike Harris went 0-for-4 today in New Bedford HS%27s 18-8 triumph over the Clifton HS Mutiny%2C snapping his 24-game hitting streak.%0A%0AHarris spoke to BNN after the game and said he %22knew the hitting streak would end sooner or later.%22%0A%0A%22I just would have preferred later%2C%22 he said with a laugh. %22It was fun though.%22%0A%0AWhen Harris made an out in his last chance at the plate%2C his teammates congratulated him in the dugout. In the clubhouse after the game%2C he seemed unbothered by the streak ending.%0A%0A%22There%27s nothing scientific about it%2C that%27s for sure%2C%22 Mutiny manager said of Harris%27s streak. %22He had a nice little run. Let him start another one when we finish the series here.%22%0A%0ATo date this season Harris is hitting .414 with 6 home runs. %0A
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