Prairie Strokes 5 Hits: Maryland center fielder Nick Prairie added his name to the record books with a 5-hit spree at Honolulu College Grounds today%2C but found his special moment spoiled when the North Carolina State Wolfpack took a shootout win over the Terrapins.%0A%0A%22I would have much preferred getting only a couple of hits and winning the game%2C%22 he confessed to reporters afterward. %22It%27s hard to go back into the clubhouse and celebrate a 5-hit game when you also lost.%22 %0A%0ATerrapins skipper called Prairie%27s game %22a once-in-a-lifetime moment.%22%0A%0A%22It%27s a shame the guy can%27t really enjoy it%2C%22 he said. %22It%27s also a shame what happened with our pitching today%2C but at least that we can try to fix.%22%0A%0ANick Prairie singled in the 1st%2C grounded out in the 3rd%2C hit a two-run single in the 4th%2C hit a two-run single in the 5th%2C singled in the 7th and singled in the 9th.%0A%0AThis year Prairie has hit at a .317 clip with 29 RBIs%2C 6 home runs and 41 runs scored.%0A%0AView Boxscore%0A
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