Harris Rips California for 5 Hits: Kansas State defeated California today at Mean Machine Ballpark. The star of the game for the Wildcats was first baseman Cody Harris. His hitting heroics included a 5-for-6 day%2C paving the way for Kansas State%27s 12-1 triumph over the Golden Bears. Cody Harris doubled in the 1st%2C singled in the 3rd%2C hit a two-run single in the 5th%2C hit an RBI single in the 5th%2C grounded out in the 7th and singled in the 9th.%0A%0AHarris is batting .375 this season in 32 games with 6 home runs%2C 32 RBIs and 27 runs scored. He has 39 hits in 104 at-bats.%0A%0AView Boxscore%0A
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