North Bergen HS Snaps Wickham%27s Streak at 20: Jason Wickham%27s 20-game hitting streak was snapped today at Ballpark of Miami HS. The 18-year-old East Orange HS Bee Racers right fielder failed to get a hit in 4 at-bats in the game against the North Bergen HS Grapefruit%2C but East Orange HS came out the winner%2C 4-1.%0A%0A%22I don%27t think the streak was ever a big deal to Jason%2C%22 Bee Racers manager said after the game. %22He ain%27t that type of guy. He just wants to help the team win ballgames.%22%0A%0AWickham is swinging at a .364 pace on the year with 3 home runs%2C 30 RBIs and 26 runs scored. He has played in 34 games. %0A
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