Willimas Has Hot Hand%2C Bangs 5 hits: In a career performance%2C Peoria HS Players shortstop Jaden Willimas sparkled with the bat today at El Paso HS Grounds. %0A%0APowering his way to a 5-for-6 line at the plate%2C Willimas led the Players to a 20-7 win over the Bloomington HS Emperors. Willimas was in high spirits in the clubhouse after the game%2C joking with reporters that the big game had left him %22winded.%22%0A%0A%22Oh sure%2C 5 hits sounds great but think about how much more baserunning you have to do%2C%22 he said with a smile. %22Next time%2C I%27m just going to take 5 walks.%22%0A%0AJaden Willimas doubled in the 2nd%2C grounded out in the 2nd%2C singled in the 4th%2C hit a three-run home run off Tim Goodrich in the 5th%2C hit an RBI triple in the 6th and singled in the 7th.%0A%0AThis year Willimas has socked 54 hits in 148 at-bats for a .365 average with 6 home runs. He is getting on base at a .481 pace and his totals also include 35 RBIs and 42 runs scored.%0A%0AView Boxscore%0A
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