Welsh%27s Hit Streak Over: For once%2C it was the Kenosha HS Monarchs picking up the slack for Terry Welsh.%0A%0AThe club%27s %22offensive catalyst%2C%22 as Kenosha HS manager has frequently called him%2C went uncharacteristically silent today and saw his 23-game hitting streak snapped by the Elgin HS Black Aces. Welsh was bailed out by the rest of the Monarchs%2C however%2C who stopped the Black Aces%2C 8-5.%0A%0AThe 15-year-old center fielder finished the day 0-for-4%2C and told reporters at the postgame press conference that %22everybody did their job but me.%22%0A%0A%22Not that it was a huge problem -- we still won the game%2C%22 he said with a grin. %22The streak was a good run though. I%27ll try to start another one tomorrow.%22%0A%0AThis year Welsh has 7 home runs and a .416 batting average.%0A
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