Rivera on Fire%2C 6-for-6 Against Roanoke HS: Dave Rivera got the glory and the headlines today%2C but the Roanoke HS Black Wolf left with the win. The Clarksville HS center fielder easily handled the Black Wolf pitching%2C going 6-for-6%2C but his Clarksville HS Red Dragons came out on the short end of the 17-14 score.%0A%0ARivera told BNN reporters in the postgame interview he would happily trade %22three or four%22 of his hits for a win.%0A%0A%22Heck%2C maybe even all of them%2C%22 he said with a laugh. %22Right now%2C it just seems like one loss in a long season but who knows what it could mean at the end.%22%0A%0ADave Rivera singled in the 1st%2C hit an RBI single in the 2nd%2C hit an RBI single in the 4th%2C hit a three-run home run off Ryan Katzenmeyer in the 5th%2C hit an RBI single in the 6th and doubled in the 8th.%0A%0ACurrently Rivera has 2 home runs and a .337 batting average.%0A%0AView Boxscore%0A
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