Flores Has 25-Game Hitting Streak: Cripplers second baseman Alex Flores has extended his hitting streak to 25 games. He went 2-for-5 in today%27s game against the Erie HS Steeldogs. Bethlehem HS won the ballgame 8-5.%0A%0A%22Got a hit and a win%2C%22 he said later. %22OK%2C I%27ll take it.%22%0AAlex Flores grounded out in the 1st%2C singled in the 3rd%2C hit an RBI single in the 4th%2C flied out in the 6th and grounded out in the 8th.%0A%0AA look at his current stats shows Flores with a .376 average%2C 2 home runs%2C 42 RBIs and 47 runs scored. He has played in 44 games.%0A
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