McClure Runs Hit String to 20 Straight Games: Clearwater HS lost to the North Charleston HS Fighting Falcons 16-3 at Jethros Ballpark today%2C but Robby McClure kept his consecutive-game hitting streak alive with 2 hits. The Surge catcher has now delivered hits in 20 straight games.%0A%0A%22Robby has a nice streak going%2C but the scoreboard tells the important story today%2C%22 Clearwater HS manager told reporters after the game. %22We lost%2C no matter how many hits anyone had.%22%0ARobby McClure singled in the 1st%2C grounded out in the 3rd%2C singled in the 6th and grounded out in the 8th.%0A%0AThis year McClure is hitting .402%2C produced 22 RBIs and 1 home runs%2C scored 18 times and gotten on base at a .477 rate. %0A
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