Prather Sizzles with 20-Game Batting Streak: Chalk up another one for Kalamazoo HS Pirhanas first baseman Art Prather. He now has hit in 20 straight games. Prather went 1-for-4 today%27s game at St. Paul HS Grounds but saw his club defeated 13-6 by the host Moline HS Suns.%0A%0A%22Playing on the road always makes it harder to get hits and to get wins%2C%22 Pirhanas manager said after the game. %22We got one of the two%2C but unfortunately it was the wrong one.%22%0AArt Prather hit an RBI single in the 1st%2C flied out in the 3rd%2C grounded out in the 5th%2C was hit by a pitch in the 7th and grounded out in the 8th.%0A%0AFor the year Prather is batting .416 with 2 home runs.%0A
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