Sampson Stretches Hit String to 20: Casey Sampson%2C shortstop for the Missouri Tigers%2C ran his consecutive-game hitting streak to 20 games with 2 hits in his club%27s 5-1 victory today over the Kansas State Wildcats at Snobs Ballpark today.%0A%0A%22I don%27t really know why it%27s even happening%2C%22 he said with a grin after the game. %22So asking me how long I can keep it up is kind of irrelevant. It%27ll end when it ends.%22%0ACasey Sampson doubled in the 1st%2C struck out in the 3rd%2C hit a solo-shot off Adam Carmon in the 5th and walked in the 7th.%0A%0AThis season in 17 games%2C Sampson has hit at a .432 clip with 32 hits%2C 5 home runs%2C 20 RBIs and 17 runs scored.%0A
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