Louisville HS Stops Williams%27s Hit Streak: Bob Williams went 0-for-4 at Kansas City HS Grounds today to break his consecutive-game hitting streak at 32 games. The 16-year-old Marietta HS center fielder failed to get a hit today in the Cretins 7-3 victory over the Louisville HS Buckeyes at Kansas City HS Grounds.%0A%0AWilliams did not make himself available to reporters after the game.%0A%0A%22I think Bob is a little upset%2C%22 Marietta HS manager said. %22He%27ll get over it.%22%0A%0ASo far on the season Williams is hitting .347 with 2 home runs%2C 36 RBIs and 30 runs scored. He has 52 hits and played in 33 games.%0A
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