Suspensions Handed Out for Bench-Clearing Brawl: At a recent Tigers-Cyclones contest at Snobs Ballpark%2C Jamie Bean of Missouri took exception to what Chris Bertron of Iowa State said to him and tackled him. This led to an old-fashioned bench-clearing free-for-all between the two clubs. After the umpires restored order%2C they ejected both players.%0A%0AToday the league commissioner%27s office took action and suspended each player for 9 games%2C citing them for %22inappropriate and aggressive conduct.%22 %0A%0ATo date Bean has chalked up a .244 average with no home runs%2C driven in 7 runs and scored 14 times.%0A%0ATo date this year%2C Bertron shows a 2-2 record%2C 5 starts%2C 24 innings%2C 19 strikeouts and a 6.38 ERA.%0A
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