5-for-6 Day for Barrera: Angelo Barrera of the Imperials was unstoppable in today%27s 13-9 victory over the Mountain View %28Santa Clara County%29 HS Red Stixx at Red Stixx Ballpark. He battered them for 5 hits in 6 at-bats. %0A%0A%22Boy%2C I was on the mark today%2C%22 said the Davis HS center fielder after the game. %22I could see the ball real well. It%27s a great feeling to do this. And besides%2C 5-for-6 won%27t hurt your batting average like 0-for-5 will.%22 %0A%0AAngelo Barrera singled in the 1st%2C doubled in the 3rd%2C hit a two-run double in the 4th%2C grounded out in the 6th%2C hit an RBI single in the 8th and singled in the 9th.%0A%0AThis season Barrera is batting .329 with 48 hits%2C 5 home runs%2C 44 RBIs%2C 16 walks%2C .401 OBP and has scored 36 runs. He has played in 33 games.%0A%0AView Boxscore%0A
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