Eckhart Has Hot Hand%2C Bangs 5 hits: A jubilant Joe Eckhart joined the postgame press conference at Ballpark of Austin HS today to offer some unusual words of encouragement -- for the Hammond HS Crows pitching staff he had just vanquished.%0A%0A%22It may not have looked like it%2C%22 said the Lee%27s Summit HS Keggers center fielder%2C %22but I saw some awful good pitches today. If luck hadn%27t been on my side it might have turned out a lot different.%22 %0A%0AThat would not have been the conclusion of anyone who saw his dominant 5-for-5 hitting performance%2C which led the Keggers to a 12-11 win.%0A%0A%22He made it look easy%2C%22 said %2C manager of the Crows. %22We never figured out what to do with him. Obviously.%22%0A%0AJoe Eckhart hit an RBI single in the 1st%2C hit an RBI single in the 3rd%2C hit an RBI single in the 5th%2C doubled in the 6th and hit an RBI single in the 8th.%0A%0AFor the season%2C Eckhart is hitting at a .456 clip with 1 home run%2C 25 RBIs and has scored 23 runs. He has 41 hits%2C 21 walks and a .568 on-base percentage. %0A%0AView Boxscore%0A
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