Great Day for Molina -- 5 Hits: Ram%EF%BF%BDn Molina was on fire today and sparked his club to a 8-7 victory over the Bandits. The St Charles first baseman was a tough out and went 5-for-6 against San Francisco in a fine hitting display.%0A%0A%22I got my pitches and I connected. They all found the right holes on the diamond. Some days you hit shots and they%27re right at somebody and some days they fall in.%22%0A%0ARam%EF%BF%BDn Molina singled in the 1st%2C singled in the 2nd%2C hit an RBI single in the 4th%2C singled in the 6th%2C flied out in the 8th and singled in the 10th.%0A%0AIn this current campaign Molina is hitting at a .303 clip with 8 home runs and 52 RBIs.%0A%0AView Boxscore%0AView Game Log%0AWatch Highlights%0A
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