20 Games in a Row for Wright: Phil Wright collected 2 hits in today%27s game and extended his hitting streak to 20 games. His club%2C the Penquannock Overrated Jeter%2C beat the Rio Grande Rattlesnake 12-5.%0A%0A%22Right now%2C when they throw me the ball%2C it looks the size of a softball%2C%22 Wright quipped to a BNN reporter after the game. %22I%27m excited about how things are clicking.%22%0APhil Wright grounded out in the 3rd%2C singled in the 5th%2C walked in the 7th%2C struck out in the 9th and singled in the 10th.%0A%0AIn this current campaign Wright is hitting at a .336 clip with 15 home runs and 96 RBIs.%0A
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