Hit Streak Over%2C Bulldogs Stop Quintanilla: It just wasn%27t Ram%EF%BF%BDn Quintanilla%27s day.%0A%0AThe North Carolina State Wolfpack took the 6-2 win today over the Butler Bulldogs%2C but the Bulldogs mound staff did what nobody else could -- they stopped the 24-game hitting streak of Wolfpack catcher Ram%EF%BF%BDn Quintanilla.%0A%0A%22We might have focused a bit too much on stopping Quintanilla%2C%22 Butler manager Trent Waters commented afterward. %22He had a nice hitting streak going%2C but the Wolfpack have other hitters and they did their job today.%22%0A%0ASo far this season Quintanilla has put up a .436 batting average with 44 hits%2C 4 home runs and 28 RBIs.%0A
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