White Sox Chill Padilla%27s Hot Streak: Augusto Padilla%27s 28-game hitting streak has now come and gone. It was snapped today as the Buffalo LightSabres suffered a 3-1 setback against the Butler White Sox.%0A%0APadilla went without a hit in 3 trips to the plate. He was visibly upset during a postgame press conference%2C but it appeared that the streak had little to do with it.%0A%0A%22The hitting streak was one of those things where it was fun while it lasted%2C but I%27m not going to lose any sleep about it tonight%2C%22 he said. %22On the other hand%2C I am going to lose sleep about dropping this game today.%22%0A%0AIn this current campaign Padilla is hitting at a .312 clip with 11 home runs and 53 RBIs.%0A
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