Norris Rips Grand Rapids HS for 5 Hits: Andy Norris put on a hitting clinic today as the Indianapolis HS Chaos dumped the Grand Rapids HS Summit 14-8 at Ballpark of Grand Rapids HS.%0A%0AThe Indianapolis HS first baseman made Grand Rapids HS defenders earn their pay%2C lashing Grand Rapids HS pitching for 5 hits in 6 at-bats in the game. He told BNN reporters after the game that his strategy was %22just hit it where they pitched it.%22 %0A%0A%22Too often I try too hard to pull the ball%2C%22 Norris said in his postgame press conference. %22Today%2C I just went with the pitch.%22%0A%0AAndy Norris grounded out in the 1st%2C hit a two-run single in the 3rd%2C singled in the 4th%2C singled in the 5th%2C singled in the 7th and hit a solo-shot off John Willis in the 9th.%0A%0ANorris is hitting .333 this year with 1 home run and 6 RBIs. He also has an OBP of .447%2C 7 walks and scored 11 times.%0A%0AView Boxscore%0AView Game Log%0A
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