Barnes Raps Virginia for 5 Hits: 5 times is the charm -- at least for Claude Barnes. %0A%0AThe Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets catcher tore up the Virginia Cavaliers to the tune of 5 hits in 7 at-bats at Davenport Field today. The offensive onslaught from Barnes powered the Yellow Jackets to a 9-5 win. %0A%0A%22Barnes was a tough out today%2C%22 Virginia manager Cristo Pinamango said to the press in the postgame interview. %22He hit some very good pitches with that quick bat of his. Not an easy out%2C that%27s for sure.%22 %0A%0AClaude Barnes flied out in the 2nd%2C singled in the 4th%2C hit a two-run double in the 6th%2C singled in the 8th%2C struck out in the 11th%2C singled in the 12th and singled in the 13th.%0A%0A%0A%0AView Boxscore%0AView Game Log%0A
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