Minnesota-Yakima Brawl%2C Mercado and Cruz Suspended: There was a heated confrontation yesterday at Loony Bin between the Loons and Hops that resulted in ejections and suspensions. Jos%EF%BF%BD Mercado of Minnesota and Jorge Cruz of Yakima were issued 2-game suspensions by the league office for initiating the on-field disturbance. %0A%0AFor the season Mercado has hit .275 with 7 home runs and 30 RBIs. He has played in 45 games and scored 16 times.%0A%0AIn 16 starts this year Cruz has posted 5 wins while suffering 7 losses. He has pitched 89.2 innings%2C allowed 76 hits%2C struck out 76 and has a 2.91 ERA.%0A
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