BC Delgadilo Suspended: The San Antonio BC were not very happy with the home plate umpire in today%27s loss to Virginia Beach at San Antonio Field. One in particular -- Anastasio Delgadilo. Upon being called out on strikes%2C the BC second baseman gave the ump quite an earful. For that%2C the man in blue gave him the thumb and sent him to an early shower.%0A%0ABut the disgruntled Delgadilo lingered on the field for another five minutes%2C berating the umpire. Finally his manager got him off the field and into the clubhouse.%0A%0ABut it got worse after the game%2C when Delgadilo told reporters%2C %22He was blind today. They played %27Three Blind Mice%27 for him. If he doesn%27t know the words to the song%2C I%27m sure we can get it in Braille%2C so he can follow along.%22%0A%0AFor his escapades and after-the-game oration%2C the league office suspended Delgadilo for 2 games.%0A%0ADelgadilo is hitting .189 so far this season with 9 RBIs and 12 runs scored. He has 14 hits including no home runs%2C 17 walks and .355 OBP. %0A
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