Ruckus Reaps 4-Game Suspensions: Tempers were flaring yesterday at Atlantica. Both the Rainbow Mermaids and Stingers were defending their turf. A few punches were thrown%2C but fortunately very few landed -- there was more wrestling than fighting. When the umpires sorted everything out%2C Northern Virginia%27s Jos%EF%BF%BD Ru%EF%BF%BDz and Toledo%27s Danny Bystrom were ejected from the game.%0A%0AToday the league office suspended Ru%EF%BF%BDz and Bystrom for 4 games each.%0A%0AIn this current campaign Ru%EF%BF%BDz is hitting at a .253 clip with 7 home runs and 31 RBIs.%0A%0ARunning the numbers on Bystrom for the year%2C he has made 21 relief appearances%2C recorded 1 save and compiled a 1-0 won-lost mark with a 3.90 ERA. In pitching 55.1 innings%2C he has totaled 57 strikeouts and 21 walks.%0A
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